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We are experts in GENERATIVE AI

We can help you to understand how AI can fit into your existing processes and workflows

Using Generative AI

Generative AI can be a great tool for your business and not just in the marketing department. It can help you to generate content, analyse data, brainstorm ideas and automate tasks. It also has its risks and needs to be used carefully to remain brand safe.

We're experts in generative AI with cutting edge knowledge and experience of the latest tools. We can help your team to understand how to use AI safely and effectively.

Our AI training and Consultancy services are aimed at marketing teams and senior business leaders.

How we work

Our process

Discovery Session

We will meet with you to fully understand your business and the unique challenges you face.

We use this time to discuss your business needs and what you think Gen AI could help you with (we help facilitate this thinking, don’t worry!)


We will create a bespoke training / workshop session based on our learnings from the Discovery Session. This will be open to up to 10 people in your business and will cover the platform usagehow to train it effectively, how to use it daily and prompt creation

We will also bring a series of prompts for your team to use in the business off the bat. These will remain yours after the session.

Follow Up

We recommend at least one follow up session a month after the first workshop. This will allow for questions, thoughts, challenges, ideas to be discussed and addressed. 

During the follow up session we will talk through any challenges you've faced and help you to refine your processes.

01392 667766
Optix Solutions
1st Floor, Alphin Brook House,
Alphin Brook Road,
Exeter EX2 8RG


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